Friday, November 11, 2011

Data Collection

This last week, we completed "Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication" unit in math.  Although I am pleased with the changes I see in our environment, the improvements in math are not as great as I had anticipated.  The students seem more engaged during math, and eager to participate but I am not seeing huge academic gains.  We are still working on the self-management aspect of the work stations.  There are improvements each week, but still progress to be made.  

Mastery of I Can Statements:  
After collecting the end of unit assessment and comparing it to "Preview the Year" (which was taught whole class) there is a slight improvement in overall mastery of student learning goals.

I feel it is important to note that for unit one (Preview the Year) there were eight learning targets to master, and for unit two("Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication" ) there were nine learning targets to master. 

~I am hoping to see further improvement for the division unit, because I plan to try flexibly grouping the students more often from day to day, rather than per unit.  I have been doing this for the last few days, and I feel much better.  I feel like I am able to work with the strugglers more often and really practice and focus specifically on their misconceptions.
~I also incorporated an activity this week into the math workshop time.  The math game (Divisibility Dash) was engaging, so the students were able to stay more focused and self-manage much better.   In addition, only one group was playing at a time.  That helped the noise level remain manageable, so the other students could concentrate on their table work.  I was also able to give focused, uninterrupted time to my small group of students.

Homework completion:
-- 29 students participated in "Preview the Year".  There were seven assignments to complete.  On average, 2.2 students turned their work in late.  Of the 38 late assignments, 14 were never completed.
--29 students participated in "Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication" .  There were seven assignments to complete.  On average, 1.2 students turned their work in late.  Of the 25 late assignments, 8 were never completed.

DESCA evaluations:  The students have completed multiple DESCA evaluations (there is a link on a previous post), but I can't figure out the best way to organize the data.  After reviewing it, the students have a good handle on the five principles.  In my observations, and those of a colleague, the overall environment has a positive tone.  The students are really working hard and aware of what they need to be doing.  

Ways that I plan on changing and adapting my plan as we begin the division unit:
  • restructuring groups based on pre-assessment for division unit
  • incorporating more student choice to stations
  • explore with different group work formats (station rotations, games, activities, etc

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