Wednesday, October 12, 2011

So Far, So Good

Some data points to share....
The math stations are going well.  I feel that the students are adapting well to the new style of learning.  As I observe the different groups working math workshop, I am very impressed by what I am hearing and witnessing.  For the most part, the students are working with one another.  It is interesting to see how certain groups have naturally divided themselves into smaller groups.  When we discussed why they chose to do so, they stated that it was too loud and hard to concentrate.  The groups they have formed seem to be working well.  I have been encouraging some cooperative work as a larger small group, allowing more perspectives.  They have developed the plan to work in smaller cooperative groups and then have their wrap-up discussion as a bigger group.  We brought up DESCA, specifically self-management, community, and awareness, while having our discussions.  They are demonstrating a good grasp of the concepts, and how they help them achieve their academic goals.  
Data Collection:  They students have completed a DESCA checklist three times, and their comfort and application of the themes seems to be increasing.  
Janet observed the stations and completed the five DESCA questions.

I personally LOVE the small group time with the students.  I am able to see the students work on a closer level.  Multiple times, I have been able to work with 4-5 students on struggling skills.  It is great seeing improvement when I can focus specifically on their struggle.  Meanwhile, I know that the rest of the class is working on math skills.  I have had very little trouble with students not being able to manage themselves and stay on task.  
My personal struggle at this point is not seeing every student each day in a small group.  I only see two groups per two groups go unseen.  Although all students are getting the whole-group mini lesson, I still struggle with it.  After reading about openness, I know that I need to be accepting of the change, and with time, I will feel more comfortable.  I look forward to collecting the academic improvement data at the end of the unit.  In my observations, there is improvement, but I like to see the true comparison from pre to post test.  
I am finding that it is really important that  I am looking at the previous nights homework first thing in the morning, especially for the students who I did not see for group time the day before.  It lets me use their homework as an assessment of learning, but also as learning.  I can then use that to quickly form a new group from that day, and review the homework and necessary skills.  

Sooo, so far-so good.  I think I am on the right track.  The math groups are going well, and having DESCA as our base is going great, too.  I hope that I am collecting enough data...I am still unsure of that.  I look forward to the conference this weekend to hear the ideas and data collection of others.  
I need to keep this forrest growing....

1 comment:

  1. You are giving me motivation to think about how I can use smaller math groups/math stations with my different classes! Keep up the great work!
